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Bug#990460: apt freezes - cannot be stopped (konsole)


On Tue, Jun 29, 2021 at 08:51:18PM +0200, Rene Regensbogen wrote:
> Sometimes, after I used apt to install packages, I want to install some more packages.
> Every time then, there is simply no output. When I try to cancel it with ^C, it doesn't 
> gets cancelled. The only way to quit is to close the subtab in konsole.

^C (interrupt) is not instantaneous like a SIGKILL. An application (like
apt) is allowed to reach a safe point to exit, which in case of apt
tends to be after the dpkg call currently executed. That might be quite
a bit of time still until dpkg (and hence apt) actually finishes, but
exiting earlier would mean that the machine might not be in a state
which can boot, start the graphical user environment or whatever.

In most cases that means that everything apt intended to do is actually
done even if you press ^C "in the middle" of its run, but if not a
warning message will be printed. Perhaps some day we might be able to
add an indicator to the progress bar…

Anyway, the short story is: Do not try to interrupt apt. You can btw
start another apt call in another tab – apt will realize it is already
running and even wait for the other process to be done before proceeding

You will have to show us the exact output apt produces for me to make
better guesses what "hangs" (I am pretty sure apt is not), but some
ideas anyhow:

* Did you press CTRL+S (perhaps by accident)? Press CTRL+Q in that case;
  "flow control" is the term to look out for – you might want to disable
  it, its something which annoyed me way more often than I am willing to
  admit… (for zsh its "setopt noflowcontrol", no idea about bash.
  Konsole probably has an (advanced?) setting for it).

* debconf: Was some other window opened, perhaps in the background or on
  another workspace asking questions? debconf usually asks on the
  console, but it can also ask in a more graphical way…

You can also start a process monitor like 'htop' (F5 for tree) and see
what is currently being run.

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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