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Re: Great News Baltimore

I really do not care about names. It could be SomethingPM (Something
Package Manager).
I think PegasusPM sounds good. Pegasus - Package Manager (A GUI for
apt command line).

I did not know that gmail has plain text mode for emails. I hope it is
working now.

I upload a video with a few changes on GUI and the new name and a new icon.

Do you have suggestions to improve pegasuspm ?

Thank you.

Em seg., 20 de mar. de 2023 às 14:27, David Kalnischkies
<david@kalnischkies.de> escreveu:
> Hi,
> On Mon, Mar 20, 2023 at 01:21:39AM -0300, Snake Plissken Brasil wrote:
> > […]
> My first impression was: "This is a SPAM message", but before my fingers
> reached the report button the second line made me realize that it
> probably isn't. The third one gives me an iffy feeling through.
> I don't know you nor the project & perhaps I just don't get the joke(s),
> so I give you the benefit of the doubt, but you might want to work on
> your communication style as at least for me this message sounds not very
> inviting – and that is the exact opposite of what you want, right?
> I would also suggest using another name for a Qt-based synaptics-like
> project as "apt-qt" makes it sound rather official (as in produced by
> the team who produces apt) which could be misleading to users. synaptics
> isn't called apt-gtk, even through it was made by one of its members
> (Not that this name is perfect either…).
> It is also that "apt" isn't a very good word. It works in our favour on
> the command line as it is short, but is hardly a concern for a graphical
> application, it is hard to search for and many contexts fight over the
> word as an acronym for different things, like "Advanced Persistent
> Threat" (Our excuse is that the name was picked nearly 25 years ago,
> while most of those concerns didn't even existed. What is yours?).
> Best regards
> David Kalnischkies
> P.S.: Debian mailinglists are text-only. As far as I can see your html
> part is pretty much the same as the text-part, so not really much harm
> done, but also not much point in duplication, don't you agree?

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