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Re: Problem apt key(8)

Hi Andrea,

I'm CC-ing the apt developer's list because I don't think that the DEPRECATION
section in apt-key(8) is of much help in your case but I think it should
contain the relevant information as you are probably not the last person
running into this.

Quoting Andrea Gottardo (2024-01-01 11:04:56)
> Good morning my name is Andrea Gottardo of Roboservice srl.
> After uninstall anydesk for debian, I have a deprecation message apt-key(8).
> Message is:
> W:http://deb.anydesk.com/dists/all/InRelease: key is stored in legacy
>  trusted.gpg keyring (/etc/apt/trusted.gpg), see the DEPRECATION section in
> apt-key(8) for details.
> Is possible have a solution for not see this message in the upgrade?
> Thanks

apt is trying to move away from using /etc/apt/trusted.gpg and this deprecation
warning expresses that. If you want to get rid of the anydesk software for
good, then it might make sense to also remove the deb.anydesk.com repository as
well as its GPG key as well. After that, the deprecation warning will not shop
up anymore.

To remove the repository, remove deb.anydesk.com from your
/etc/apt/sources.list or from the relevant file in deb.anydesk.com.d.

Removing the key from /etc/apt/trusted.gpg is a bit more tricky. If you have no
other keys stored in it, then you can just remove the file. You can list the
keys stored within by running:

    $ gpg --no-options --no-default-keyring --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --list-keys

Hope this helps!

cheers, josch

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