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[gopher] Re: Strategy: end of Gopher in Mozilla

> - The IE-only crowd is lost. Those people will have to use a proxy, if
they even think of it.
  Don't write of IE too fast.  Anyone using Windows 2000 or earlier is stuck with IE version 6 or earlier (do you realize how many people still use WIndows 98?!?), and that browser is easily patched to access Gopher.  Also, many Windows XP users have intentionally downgraded from IE 7 back to IE6, and again they can be patched to access Gopher.
  I see many PCs in my daily life, and almost all of them are running IE6.  I also make it a point to take a few minutes to patch any machine with IE6 on it that I encounter.  
  I treat Gopher like a super-FTP, and mostly use it just for downloading files.  IE works good enough in that capacity; so I rarely bother to use a Dedicated Gopher Client, or even an alternative Browser (such as Lynx).  

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