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Re: [gopher] Gophernicus Server 0.6 released

On Apr 11, 2010, at 1:35 PM 4/11/10, Kim Holviala wrote:

I don't normally want to spam everybody with new releases, but since this version implements stuff that was *cough* deemed impossible I thought I'd make an exception. I'm sorry about the current state of documentation - if you try this you either have to be able to read C fluently, or have the courage to ask me how it works :-).

Download link:

Since I'm not completely set up under pygopherd I could easily be convinced to switch. Will Gophernicus Server build on NetBSD Sparc64? Or is that something I need to test and let _you_ know about? ;-)

I'm assuming since you're using C it's faster and lighter than something like pygopherd?


"All we wanna do is eat your brains! We're not unreasonable, I mean no one's gonna eat your eyes." - Re: Brains, Jonathan Coultan

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