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Re: [gopher] Gopher++ scrapped & Internet Archive -style thingy

On Apr 20, 2010, at 8:49 AM 4/20/10, Kim Holviala wrote:

Is there something
with gopher++ that makes your search non-backwards-compatible with
"legacy" gopher servers?

Let's forget the search for a while. This is the problem:

* I can add extensions to server side all I want and it won't break anything - I'm free to experiment with whatever I want

*shrug* So add what you want.

* I cannot add anything to the client side of the protocol or old but still running servers will break - my gopher++ enchanced Mosaic for example refused to browse quite a number of existing sites

Wait...what? You can't tell your client to only activate Gopher++ when it sees your server? Isn't there _any_ sort of identification method in the server protocol that gives you the server software name?

Why would I add anything to server-side when I can't add anything client-side? I could add a little detection routine to the client, but that would make clients complicated and I don't want that (gopher has and should have all the brains on the server side).

Well how about this - make the Gopher++ identification file based. If the client detects gophernicus.txt then enable Gopher++ for that session otherwise don't.


"All we wanna do is eat your brains! We're not unreasonable, I mean no one's gonna eat your eyes." - Re: Brains, Jonathan Coultan

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