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Re: [gopher] changes to support for OverbiteFF 2.x and 3.0

On the Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 11:13:44AM +0300, Kim Holviala blubbered:

Hi all.

> > I'm sorely tempted to pick up an unlocked N900. As soon as this iPhone
> > 3GS either dies or Apple boots support, I'm switching to my Nexus One
> > (with Overbite Android), but the N900 is just so pretty and I love the
> > terminal access.
> As a phone, this sucks. Probably the worst phone I've had in the last 10 years. Not that the iPhone is any better...

In terms of handling/using the "phone app" or in terms of speech
quality? Okee, makeing calls can be a bit tricky, but receiving
calls is fully okee the way it is. I especially like the
integration of Skype, Jabber and SIP. Phone rings and you pick
up the call. Oh and I think the quality of the handset is just

> Quite simply this is the best toy I've ever had.
> :-D

Amen to that! =:-) Hopefully, the N9 will stand up to its

CU, Venty

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