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Re: [gopher] Gophernicus 1.2-beta & virtual hosting

On 14.9.2011 2:53, Walter Vermeir wrote:

I have a support question about Gophernicus - hope that is allowed here;

Here, or just email me directly :-).

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS & gophernicus 1.2
dynamic ip
use xinetd

So my xinetd installer worked? WOOHOO! I never use xinetd...

But virtual hosting is no-go until now.

vermeir.dyndns.org <http://vermeir.dyndns.org> points to my dynamic ip
and serves /var/gopher
gopher.wikizine.org <http://gopher.wikizine.org> is by CNAME pointed at
vermeir.dyndns.org <http://vermeir.dyndns.org>

And now that also serves /var/gopher

A directory named "gopher.wikizine.org <http://gopher.wikizine.org>" is
created,  the symbol % is placed in gophermap.
But it does not serve it as a virtual host and it is also not listed as one.

from syslog;

Sep 13 23:32:27 gopherserverubuntu in.gophernicus: disabling vhosting:
/var/gopher/gopherserverubuntu must exist

OK. Your servers hostname is apparently "gopherserverubuntu". As in if you type the command "hostname" you'll get that name. As a security precaution you need to have a virtual host directory for your own hostname or all of virtual hosting is disabled.

So, two ways to fix it:
$ sudo mkdir /var/gopher/`hostname`

$ sudo vi /etc/xinetd.d/gophernicus

And the fix the -hwhatever option so that it uses one of your real virtual host names (the primary one). So most likely it should be "-hgopher.wikizine.org".

Also, now that I think about it you might not even need virtual hosting. You only have one hostname for your gopher server, right? Just place your content under /var/gopher and forget about vhosting....

/var/gopher does exist
"gopherserverubuntu" is the name of the server.  But to make sure, I
have also made a directory with that name, no change.

Oh, that I didn't see before I wrote the above. Wait....

[looking through the code]

Are you sure you didn't mistype the directory name when you created it? The code is just stat():ing the directory it was complaining in syslog with no further checking.... Try "ls -la /var/gopher/gopherserverubuntu" and tell me what it says.

- Kim

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