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Re: Version & Distribution identification

>> Is it necessary to also specify a C library api for the above?
>Adding a binary in /bin bloats the root partition needlessly (we're
>talking at least, what, 3k these days for nop.c?), pollutes a namespace
>it doesn't need to, and is generally just nuts.

For the type of systems that the LSB is aimed at, is this really a big

>aj, who personally doesn't see why people who care about distribution
>    specific issues can't use distribution specific ways of determining
>    which specific distribution they're being installed on, but hey...

Running `lsb_release -i' would be a whole lot easier than searching
around for /etc/debian_version, /etc/redhat-release, /etc/SuSe-release
etc... and then having several different parsing functions for each
distribution to work out which version it is. Though it does have
valid uses, I do agree there is the risk that these values could be
abused, but if people really wanted to `Bad Things', not having this
feature won't stop them.

The most important ability of the command is being able to work out
what version of the LSB specification the distribution is compliant

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