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Re: lsb-apache rpms

>>"Thorsten" == Thorsten Kukuk <kukuk@suse.de> writes:

 Thorsten> On Tue, Dec 18, Anthony Towns wrote:
 >> > Yes, and I think a user should be able to install them with the default
 >> > tools of the distribution. 
 >> Ah, so "dpkg -i lsb-apache-1.3.22-1.i386.rpm" is expected to work?

 Thorsten> Don't be kidding. And read again what I wrote.  Don't make
 Thorsten> the things more complicated than necessary.

	Pardon me, how exactly is what he said kidding? Is that not
 what you said? (That the user should be able to install them with the
 default tools of the distribution -- and guess what, the default
 tools of my distribution are indeed dpkg).

 Andrea's Admonition: Never bestow profanity upon a driver who has
 wronged you. If you think his window is closed and he can't hear you,
 it isn't and he can.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@acm.org>  <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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