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Re: [DRAFT #2] Cron jobs

On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 05:11:36PM -0800, Daniel Quinlan wrote:
> Kurt Wall <kwall@xmission.com> writes:
> > For consistency's sake, we could mandate /etc/cron.d/hourly as well,
> To be consistent, don't you mean /etc/cron.hourly/ ?

Sheesh [smacks forehead].  Yes, I meant /etc/cron.hourly.

> > leaving /etc/cron.d for distribution-specific cron jobs.  Perhaps,
> > while we're at it, standarddize on distro-specific stuff in /etc/cron.d,
> > leaving us with something that looks like
> I don't understand.  Why leave /etc/cron.d for distribution-specific
> cron jobs?  What if an ISV wants to run something with an unusual
> period?  What we're trying to avoid is package installation editing of
> /etc/crontab.

I didn't mean to exclude an ISV (or anyone else) from using /etc/cron.d.

> > 1.  FHS/LSB standards in /etc/<period>
> > 2.  Distribution specific cron jobs in /etc/cron.d
> > 3.  Everything else in /var/spool/cron/crontabs
> What is the benefit of this?  LSB and distribution packages will
> hopefully be handled by the same packaging system.

Withdrawn.  Item 3 was simply a recognition that mortal user crontabs
go into /var/spool/cron/crontabs - but they needn't, of course.  Are we
still going on the basis that /etc/cron.d are one-liners executing
scripts in /etc/<period>?

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- Benjamin Franklin

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