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The attached Functional Verification Test (FVT) was written by Lisa for Rsync.
The FVT testing details should be reviewed and the test suite updated.  This
manual test can be converted from HTML to PHP.

George (gk4)

George Kraft IV
Title: (Rsync Testcase)

LSB Rsync Test Case

Install & Setup

  1. Download the Rsync application fromftp://ftp.freestandards.org/pub/lsb/app-battery/rsync/
  2. Create symbolic link ld-linux.so.2 to ld-lsb.so.1
  3. Install file on system example: rpm -ivh lsb-rsync-2.4.6-2.i386.rpm
    - Expected result error message with lsb listed as dependency
  4. Install file on system using --nodeps option
    - Expected result files should be installed in /opt/rsync-2.4.6
  5. Cd to /tmp

Functional Verification Test (FVT)

Was expected
result achieved?
Test case scenerio
1.YesNo Run /opt/rsync-2.4.6/bin/rsync rsync://rsync.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.4/linux-2.4.0.tar.bz2 .
- Expected result linux-2.4.0.tar.bz2 should be in /tmp


1. YesNo Where there any errors recorded above?
2. YesNo Where there any deviations in the install, setup, or test described above?
If yes, please describe.

Distribution Information

Please fill in the following information
Linux Distribution:
Submitter's Name:
Submitter's email address:


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