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RE: SI packages

> >> Does one have to read 4 standards just to implement an LSB system?
> > 
> > The new POSIX/SUSv3 is a two foot stack of paper.  The LSB 
> references other
> > standards to reduce duplicated effort and synchronization.  
> Yes, one must
> > read
> > the referenced standards to implement the LSB.  :-)
> this gets better every day (-:

Nobody said it was easy to build a conforming system!

Serious system implementors need to know a lot about
what they're trying to conform to, or they can't make
good decisions when there are conflicts such as "this
does not pass the test, but if I change it to pass
the test it might break binary compatibility for older

Fortunately, many of the developers of the components
that make up Linux have been through major bits of the
process of aligning with key standards, including POSIX
and SUS, already. (particularly wrt. the kernel, glibc, 
gcc and binutils).

I'm trying to find ways to convey the impression that
for application developers, it need not be terribly hard.
With the presence of good tools and good documentation,
you should be able to try a build and examine the failures,
with the help of the LSB spec and the FAQ, and resolve
most of the issues rather quickly.  However, more generally,
application developers building portable software do still
need to know quite a bit about what that means.

We, umm, have a ways to go at providing the good documentation
and complete test coverage that would assist folks in making
the process as painless as possible.

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