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Help Document

Hi, I have attached a small document that explains how to get started
with the LSB test suite and how to limit its tests to a specific subset.

I wrote it to help myself and one of my coworkers, but I thought that
you all might want to look it over and maybe post it to your site if it
is useful.  Thanks.

Amos Waterland
Title: Using The Linux Standard Base Test Suite

Using The Linux Standard Base Test Suite

Amos Waterland
$Date: 2002/06/04 21:09:18 $


This document is intended to help you download, install, configure, and run the test suite from the Linux Standard Base.  It is primarily intended for programmers who want to add or modify test cases in the OS section.


The first step is to visit the ftp server for the Free Standards Group located here.  Therein is a README file from which the following instructions are condensed.
% mkdir ~/lsb-download
% cd ~/lsb-download
% wget ftp://ftp.freestandards.org/pub/lsb/test_suites/beta/source/distribution/tet_vsxgen_2.2.tgz
% wget ftp://ftp.freestandards.org/pub/lsb/test_suites/beta/source/distribution/lts_lsb-os-
% wget ftp://ftp.freestandards.org/pub/lsb/test_suites/beta/source/distribution/install.sh
% su
# chmod +x install.sh
# ./install.sh

The script should ask you some questions and do its job, finishing with the message:
You should now login as the vsx0 user and run /home/tet/setup.sh
Note that additional test suites can be installed by unpacking the
test suite tarball in /home/tet/test_sets as the vsx0 user and re-running
/home/tet/setup.sh (this will be ../setup.sh from the home directory).
Following the instructions:
# su - vsx0
% ../setup.sh
Answer the questions and enter the root password as needed.  The last question the script will ask is:
Build and Execute testsets ..? [y]
If you want to run all the tests now, go ahead and say yes, but if you want to modify the configuration so that it only runs a select few tests, say no and go on to the next section.

Specifying Tests

In the home directory of the vxs0 user (where and who you are if you said no in the preceding section) are two files called scen.bld and scen.exec, which specify which tests to build and which to execute, respectively.  For this example, we will just run the tests for POSIX asynchronous I/O, so we will modify the two files of concern as follows:
% mv scen.bld scen.bld.1
% mv scen.exec scen.exec.1
% echo 'all' > scen.bld
% echo 'all' > scen.exec
% cat scen.bld.1 | grep aio >> scen.bld
% cat scen.exec.1 | grep aio >> scen.exec
and then run the tests with the invocation:
% ./rerun_tests

Report Viewing

When the above steps completed, they told you the location of the resultant test journal.  To view a report, you can do something similar to the following:
% export PATH=$PATH:~/BIN
% vrpt results/0003e/journal > report.out
% less report.out


The above should have been able to get you started.  See this document, or this document, for further help.


Thomas Gall

$Id: Using_The_Linux_Standard_Base_Test_Suite.html,v 1.5 2002/06/04 21:09:18 apw Exp $
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