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Bug#787578: RFS: soci/3.2.3-1 [ITP] -- C++ Database Access Library

Quoting Bill Blough <devel@blough.us>:

Hi Bill,

As I worked before on soci already, here's a short, likely incomplete, review: (I won't be able to sponsor this due to time constraints at least within the next few weeks;
however if you still looking for a sponsor then, please ping me)

-> repository
I suggest that you base your work on my repository. (link to the repository is in the ITP). Two reasons for that: I've imported also the complete history (using gpb-import-dscs(1)) and I've redone the packaging from scratch. The latter has the adavange that I have been able to change the license of the Debian part to BSL-1.0 -- it is always problematic if packaging license differs from upstream license as this might cause problems if you e.g want send upstream patches from your debian directory.

Do you see a posiblity to host the repository at alioth.debian.org?

But lets now focus on your repository:

-> d/copyright
- For GPL-License: It is not sufficient just to refer to the license text, you need also to have the license-grant in it. - license-reconcile reports also some problems (like copyright years not completly ok)
(just use my d/copyright and the problem should be fixed ;-) )

-> d/control
- You should not B-D on libmysqlclient15-dev but on libmysqlclient-dev

-> *.install
nitpick, but dh_exec is not really necessary for multiarch support, you can use "usr/lib/*/" instead (https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation) You might need to apply the patch from my repository, but IMHO it should be preferred that the tool chain already builds for the right path to the option to copy it to the right location. But that could be my extra cautioness.

-> d/rules
not checked in detail, but maybe consider adding "-Wl,--as-needed" to the linker flags to avoid some warning regarding non used symbols ("using none of its symbols")

You can disable building libsoci_empty with a CMake option: -DSOCI_EMPTY:BOOLEAN=OFF, so the override of the install target is not necessary (and it will also not build it as as side, not just not installing it)

-> d/README.Source is not needed, as you have 3.0 (quilt) in source format

-> d/changelog
There is an extra blank line before the signature line
Did you have to do something to update the S-V?

So, thats enough for the short review... I did only check "on paper", I did not to try to build your package..


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