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Bug#892810: RFS: zeroc-ice/3.7.0-1 -- New Ice 3.7.0 release

On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 3:03 AM, Adam Borowski <kilobyte@angband.pl> wrote:
On Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 09:17:32PM +0100, Jose Gutierrez de la Concha wrote:
> I have fixed the package to depend on JDK 8 and use it for the build,
> there is already a bug to upgrade gradle for JDK 9 support [1]
> I have also fixed a few other warnings that show up with lintian and have
> to reimort the upstream source to exclude some non DFSG files
> [1]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=873227

I'm afraid that the new version loses a lot of entries from the changelog.
I haven't checked yet whether the actual changes are preserved, but even
lacking just the changelog will confuse BTS version tracking, making it
consider past bugs to still apply to the new version.

I will review the changelog and the changes reference in it , I think 
it is just the changelog entries from 3.6 branch has not been merge.

-zeroc-ice (3.6.4-1+buster) unstable; urgency=medium
+zeroc-ice (3.7.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium

-  * Removed icegridgui patch, no longer necessary with 3.6.4
-  * Set iceBuilderClassPath to use the local Ice Builder plug-in
-  * Add class path entries to JAR files
-  * Renamed zeroc-icegrid.icegridnode.service
-  * Enable jarsClassPath see ICE-8444
-  * Imported Upstream version 3.6.4
+  * Updated version to 3.7.0

- -- José Gutiérrez de la Concha <jose@zeroc.com>  Fri, 08 Sep 2017 20:36:13 +0200
-zeroc-ice (3.6.3-6) unstable; urgency=medium
-  * Add python2 packages
-  * Update obsolete standards version
-  * Fix usage of deprecated operator < in dependencies
-  * Update .gitignore file
-  * Rebuild libzeroc-ice3.6 with G++ 7 and bump symbols
-  * Update git-buildpackage configuration for 3.6-sid branch
- -- José Gutiérrez de la Concha <jose@zeroc.com>  Thu, 10 Aug 2017 10:48:29 +0000
-zeroc-ice (3.6.3-5) unstable; urgency=medium
-  * Do not install libIceStormService.so (Closes: #857219)
-  * Fix libzeroc-ice3.6-java install to use 3.6 name
- -- Jose <jose@zeroc.com>  Thu, 09 Mar 2017 16:22:39 +0100
-zeroc-ice (3.6.3-4) unstable; urgency=medium
-  * Move javahelper to Build-Depends to fix Bug#847010
- -- Jose <jose@zeroc.com>  Mon, 05 Dec 2016 09:37:57 +0100
-zeroc-ice (3.6.3-3) unstable; urgency=medium
-  * Missing Jgoodies dependencies in zeroc-icegridgui
-  * Do not use JGoodies PlasticLookAndFeel. We avoid using
-    JGoodies PlasticLookAndFeel as it is triggering a
-    bug in JFileChooser that causes an application crash
- -- Jose <jose@zeroc.com>  Thu, 01 Dec 2016 22:39:10 +0100
-zeroc-ice (3.6.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
-  * Fix package upgrade from stretch
- -- Jose <jose@zeroc.com>  Fri, 14 Oct 2016 17:26:35 +0000
-zeroc-ice (3.6.3-1) unstable; urgency=medium
-  * Ice-3.6.3 release
-  * Added Ice for Python package python3-zeroc-ice
-  * Remove javafx dependency
-  * Fix service packaging
- -- José Gutiérrez de la Concha <jose@zeroc.com>  Tue, 11 Oct 2016 13:21:56 +0200
+ -- José Gutiérrez de la Concha <jose@zeroc.com>  Mon, 19 Mar 2018 17:35:41 +0000

It'd be also nice to fix problems reporting by lintian:
W: zeroc-ice source: debian-rules-ignores-make-clean-error line 126
That should be easy to fix was just to ignore Java builds in ARCHS that doesn't have gradle
W: zeroc-icegridgui: classpath-contains-relative-path usr/share/java/icegridgui.jar:

That one is a bit confusing all these are aboslute paths
W: libzeroc-ice3.7: dev-pkg-without-shlib-symlink usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libIceXML.so.3.7.0 usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libIceXML.so
W: libzeroc-ice3.7: dev-pkg-without-shlib-symlink usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libIceDB.so.3.7.0 usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libIceDB.so
These are libraries used by binaries included in zeroc-ice, but there isn't a public API  for them, we don't include the .so files because users are not supposed to link agains them
W: libzeroc-ice3.7: dev-pkg-without-shlib-symlink usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGlacier2CryptPermissionsVerifier.so.3.7.0 usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGlacier2CryptPermissionsVerifier.so
 These is a plug-in for glacier2router service included with zeroc-ice package
Also, FYI: the new version makes your only reverse-dependence, mumble,
fail to build (full log attached):

slice2cpp --checksum -I/usr/local/share/Ice -I/usr/share/Ice/slice -I/usr/share/slice -I/usr/share/Ice-3.4.1/slice/ -I/usr/share/Ice-3.3.1/slice/ -I/usr/share/Ice-3.4.2/slice/ Murmur.ice
[libprotobuf WARNING google/protobuf/compiler/parser.cc:547] No syntax specified for the proto file: Mumble.proto. Please use 'syntax = "proto2";' or 'syntax = "proto3";' to specify a syntax version. (Defaulted to proto2 syntax.)
/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/src/murmur/Murmur.ice:9: error: Can't open include file "Ice/SliceChecksumDict.ice"
    #include <Ice/SliceChecksumDict.ice>

Obviously, you first need to get the new version of zeroc in, but the
transition will need to take care of mumble, thus the heads up.
I can help the maintainers with this, I will try the build myself 

⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ A dumb species has no way to open a tuna can.
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ A smart species invents a can opener.
⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ A master species delegates.

José Gutiérrez de la Concha
ZeroC, Inc.

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