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Bug#1010848: RFS: imwheel/1.0.0pre12-15 [ITA] -- add support to non-standard buttons on mouse in Linux

Control: tags -1 - moreinfo


>Yes. Please note that there is an automation in place that closes your RFSs when you delete your package from mentors.
Please just upload without deleting the old version (keep at least one of them). I reopened the RFS.


>Please push your changes.

Changes pushed.

-Jack Toh

From: Bastian Germann <bage@debian.org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 1:31 PM
To: Chin Ah Toh <tohc88@outlook.com>; 1010848@bugs.debian.org <1010848@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: Re: RFS: imwheel/1.0.0pre12-15 [ITA] -- add support to non-standard buttons on mouse in Linux
Am 18.05.22 um 15:02 schrieb Chin Ah Toh:
> Control tags -1 - moreinfo

You forgot a colon after Control.

> Bastian,
>  > I do not see the new upload. Please check if there is an issue.
> I re-uploaded the package. Can you see it now?

Yes. Please note that there is an automation in place that closes your RFSs when you delete your package from mentors.
Please just upload without deleting the old version (keep at least one of them). I reopened the RFS.

>  > One more thing: Please provide your salsa username if you want to keep maintaining the pkg in the currently referenced
> repo, so I can grant you the access rights for it. Else, please remove the Vcs fields from d/control.
> My salsa username is: jtoh

You should have received an invitation.
Please push your changes.

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