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Bug#1023590: RFS: monitoring-plugins-check-logfiles/ [ITP] -- Nagios plugin check_logfiles

Am 16.11.2022 um 20:16 teilte Alexander Reichle-Schmehl mit:


Thanks for the upload!

Just two small remarks:
  * I think it would be relatively easy to add autopkgtest to the
    package, allowing automatic verification of the functionality.
    * Feel free to ping me for additinal pointers / examples.

As you did an non-source only upload I probably have to do another
upload anyway. Maybe I'm wrong here.

  * I know that there is a maintainers team for several icinga /
    monitoring related packages, but I don't know how they are organized.
    Please consider joining them; team maintainership is usually a very
    good idea for various reasons.

I'll consider to contact them.


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