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Bug#1065193: RFS: libhx/4.23-1 [RC] -- C library providing queue, tree, I/O and utility functions

tags 1065193 - moreinfo

Hi Tobias,

Am Sonntag, dem 17.03.2024 um 14:39 +0100 schrieb Tobias Frost:
> Hi Jörg,
> "debcheckout libhx" still gives me 4.17-1 as head.
> After looking at your repo, I think I should point you to DEP-14
> as a recommended git layout for packaging. 
> As the branch name indicates you are using per-package-revision
> branches:
> IMHO It makes little sense to have one branch per debian package
> version/revision; (I had a similiar discussion on vzlogger lately,
> so to avoid repetiions: #1064344#28)
> Please clarify how you want to manage the package in git, as
> this needs to be reflected in d/control's VCS-* fields correctly.
> (this is now blocking the upload.)

I have been using Vincent Driessen's branching model and the corresponding git
extension gitflow-avh for at least 7 years with Debian and for a long time at

The default branch is master and development takes place in the develop branch.

The release candidates are managed in the branch release. The extension
debian/debian-version is used as a tag during the transfer.

The master branch always contains the last published executable version to which
the git tag in debian/control points.

The procedure is described in the README.debian.

> (The current fields say the package is maintained in the default branch
> of your repo. I see a debian/ directory there, but that one is missing
> released (it is at 4.17-1, while unstable is at 4.19-1.1)
> The review is based on the .dsc, timestamped on mentors.d.n
> 2024-03-17 12:00
> d/changelog is *STILL* changing history for the 4.19-1 changelog
> block. (This issue must be fixed before upload.)

I think these were artifacts because my changes to the NMU were not adopted. Has
been corrected.

> Thanks for re-adding the B-D on dpkg-dev.
> So, please elaborate on the git issue (so that the correct VCS-* can be
> confirmed or specified) , and fix the rewriting history part, and I'll upload 
> Remove the moreinfo tag when ready.
> Cheers,
> --
> tobi

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Jörg Frings-Fürst
D-54470 Lieser

git:      https://git.jff.email/cgit/

Skype:    jff-skype@jff.email
Jami:     joergfringsfuerst
Telegram: @joergfringsfuerst
Matrix:   @joergff:matrix.snct-gmbh.de

My wish list: 
 - Please send me a picture from the nature at your home.

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