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Bug#979188: Maintaining git-subrepo in Debian?

Hi Daniel,

Dne 24.04.2024 (sre) ob 17:33 +0200 je Daniel Gröber napisal(a):
> I'll push the repo there and give you access, you just have to adjust the
> Vcs-* fields and get those changes to me in a way that I actually want to
> accept them ;P
> FYI: I'm not being obtuse, I could ofc. just make the adjustment myself but
> I'm still trying to hone your git collab maintanance skillz :)
Ok, so i'll prepare merge request in salsa gitlab, after pushing my change in my
working branch?

> > idea was to reverse the gbp's view on its branches, where the debian/sid
> > is the continuous branch and the patch-queue branches are the
> > intermediate and temporary ones.
> I have to admit I've never really considered this to be a possible
> workflow. Honestly I don't think it's a good idea to hold a loaded gun
> (gbp) the wrong way round ;)
> Have you found any docs for this workflow?
Not really, it was just an idea while reading about gbp and git-debrebase.

> > In this experiment i am trying to have the patch-queue branch the main
> > continuous branch, brought (by any git means) to the state, where one
> > could do 'gbp pq export' to a fresh debian/sid branch rooted before any
> > upstream commits grouped at the end of the patch-queue branch.
> git-subrepo is a relatively simple upstream so I would really not deviate
> from established and documented workflows for it. I get you probably want
> to explore the possible git workflows in Debian and admittedly my idea to
> use git-debrebase is probably also severe overkill (and I'm also guilty of
> just wanting to play with it too ;).
> I've thought about it some more and perhaps we should for now use something
> simpler (plain gbp) until you get the hang of it and/or the (unapplied)
> patches actually get in the way.
I agree, i just found my fork of your git-subrepo a nice small playground. As an
exercise i've converted it into a git-debrebase tree (via: man 7 git-debrebase:
'converting an existing package').

regards, Samo

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