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Re: SPI Web and membership pages

Quick update.  Purcel now has postgres installed on it, and the nightly 
checkout, build and install are working.  Still no anon cvs though.  I've 
requested a spi-www and spi-www-cvs list for these discussions and CVS 
commit and build messages so people can see if errors creep into the builds.


In message <[🔎] 200008080742.JAA22219@topaze.ecf.teradyne.com>, Nils Lohner 
>Darren has fixed the content negotiation (thanks!), so the pages all seem to 
>work now.  I have just added a cron job to my account that checks out the 
>pages nightly and makes and installs them, so any changes should be 
>reflected.  I plan to update the pages themselves to design the interface 
>for both the users and the administrators to the user DB, but someone else 
>will have to do the DB tie ins and back end work; I don't have time to learn 
>it and since I'm behind a firewall, working on the pages is ugly enough.
>  As always, any contributions are helpful.

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