Appendix A. Managing your bullseye system before the upgrade

Table of Contents

A.1. Upgrading your bullseye system
A.2. Checking your APT source-list files
A.3. Performing the upgrade to latest bullseye release
A.4. Removing obsolete configuration files

This appendix contains information on how to make sure you can install or upgrade bullseye packages before you upgrade to bookworm.

A.1. Upgrading your bullseye system

Basically this is no different from any other upgrade of bullseye you've been doing. The only difference is that you first need to make sure your package list still contains references to bullseye as explained in Section A.2, “Checking your APT source-list files”.

If you upgrade your system using a Debian mirror, it will automatically be upgraded to the latest bullseye point release.

A.2. Checking your APT source-list files

If any of the lines in your APT source-list files (see sources.list(5)) contain references to stable, this is effectively pointing to bookworm already. This might not be what you want if you are not yet ready for the upgrade. If you have already run apt update, you can still get back without problems by following the procedure below.

If you have also already installed packages from bookworm, there probably is not much point in installing packages from bullseye anymore. In that case you will have to decide for yourself whether you want to continue or not. It is possible to downgrade packages, but that is not covered here.

As root, open the relevant APT source-list file (such as /etc/apt/sources.list) with your favorite editor, and check all lines beginning with deb http:, deb https:, deb tor+http:, deb tor+https:, URIs: http:, URIs: https:, URIs: tor+http: or URIs: tor+https: for a reference to stable. If you find any, change stable to bullseye.

If you have any lines starting with deb file: or URIs: file:, you will have to check for yourself if the location they refer to contains a bullseye or bookworm archive.


Do not change any lines that begin with deb cdrom: or URIs: cdrom:. Doing so would invalidate the line and you would have to run apt-cdrom again. Do not be alarmed if a cdrom: source line refers to unstable. Although confusing, this is normal.

If you've made any changes, save the file and execute

# apt update

to refresh the package list.

A.3. Performing the upgrade to latest bullseye release

To upgrade all packages to the state of the latest point release for bullseye, do

# apt full-upgrade

A.4. Removing obsolete configuration files

Before upgrading your system to bookworm, it is recommended to remove old configuration files (such as *.dpkg-{new,old} files under /etc) from the system.