3. 安装系统

Debian 安装程序是 Debian 官方的安装系统。它提供了多种安装方式。实际可用的安装方式取决于您的处理器架构。

Images of the installer for trixie can be found together with the Installation Guide on the Debian website (https://www.debian.org/releases/trixie/debian-installer/).

安装手册也可以在 Debian 官方 DVD(CD/蓝光光碟)的第一张盘上找到,路径是:


You may also want to check the errata for debian-installer at https://www.debian.org/releases/trixie/debian-installer#errata for a list of known issues.

3.1. 安装系统有哪些新特性?

自从 Debian 安装程序上一次随 Debian 12 发布以来,我们进行了大量的开发工作,以提供更好的硬件支持及各种激动人心的新功能与改进。

If you are interested in an overview of the changes since bookworm, please check the release announcements for the trixie beta and RC releases available from the Debian Installer's news history.

3.2. 云服务安装

The cloud team publishes Debian trixie for several popular cloud computing services including:

  • Amazon Web Services

  • Microsoft Azure

  • OpenStack

  • 普通 VM

云映像将使用 cloud-init 提供自动化的钩子,并使用特别优化过的内核软件包和 grub 配置达到快速建立实例的效果。在需要的场合,映像将支持不同的硬件架构;同时云团队致力于支持云服务提供商提供的所有功能。

The cloud team will provide updated images until the end of the LTS period for trixie. New images are typically released for each point release and after security fixes for critical packages. The cloud team's full support policy can be found here.

More details are available at https://cloud.debian.org/ and on the wiki.

3.3. 容器和虚拟机映像

可以在 Docker Hub 找到多种架构的 Debian trixie 容器映像。除了标准映像之外,另有提供剪裁版("slim"版本)以便缩减磁盘使用量。

用于 Hashicorp Vagrant VM manager 的虚拟机映像在 Vagrant Cloud 处发布。