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Re: 2.2.15 i386 available for pre-upload testing

I have a ThinkPad 760 and i am having the same problem as Matthew. I
followed Adam's directions and here is my /var/log/messages.

May 26 23:59:55 (none)  syslogd started: BusyBox v0.43 (2000.05.25-07:18+0000)
May 26 23:59:55 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: kernel_image_path is 'images-1.44/rescue.bin'
May 26 23:59:55 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: drivers_path is 'drivers.tgz'
May 26 23:59:55 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: dbootstrap debugging mode started, $Revision: 1.98 $
May 27 00:00:02 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: running cmd 'zcat /etc/keymaps.tgz | tar -xOf - i386/qwerty/us.bmap | loadkmap'
May 27 00:00:02 (none) user.info dbootstrap[28]:  
May 27 00:00:12 (none) user.info dbootstrap[28]: formatting partition /dev/hda2 as ext2 for kernel 2.2 or better
May 27 00:00:23 (none) user.info dbootstrap[28]: mounting /dev/hda2 at /target
May 27 00:00:23 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: running cmd 'mount -t ext2 /dev/hda2 /target'
May 27 00:00:23 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: running cmd 'cat /tmp/keybd_settings >> /target/root/dbootstrap_settings'
May 27 00:00:27 (none) user.info dbootstrap[28]: installing kernel and modules from /dev/fd0
May 27 00:00:34 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: running cmd 'mount -r -t msdos /dev/fd0 /floppy'
May 27 00:00:36 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: running cmd './install.sh /target'
May 27 00:01:19 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: running cmd 'umount /floppy'
May 27 00:01:30 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: tempfile is /target/tmp/buff
May 27 00:02:07 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: running cmd 'zcat /target/drivers.tgz | tar -x'
May 27 00:02:08 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: running cmd './install.sh /target'
May 27 00:02:14 (none) user.info dbootstrap[28]: kernel and modules install successful
May 27 00:02:48 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: running cmd '/sbin/rmmod ds'
May 27 00:02:48 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: No /var/run/cardmgr.pid, cardmgr not needing to be stopped
May 27 00:02:49 (none) user.info dbootstrap[28]: rmmod: module ds is not loaded 
May 27 00:02:49 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: running cmd '/sbin/rmmod i82365'
May 27 00:02:49 (none) user.info dbootstrap[28]: rmmod: module i82365 is not loaded 
May 27 00:02:49 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: running cmd '/sbin/rmmod pcmcia_core'
May 27 00:02:49 (none) user.info dbootstrap[28]: rmmod: module pcmcia_core is not loaded 
May 27 00:02:49 (none) user.debug dbootstrap[28]: running cmd '/sbin/insmod -s /target/lib/modules/2.2.15-compact/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o '
May 27 00:02:49 (none) daemon.err insmod: /target/lib/modules/2.2.15-compact/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol request_region
May 27 00:02:49 (none) user.notice olved symbol free_irq
May 27 00:02:49 (none) user.notice ib/modules/2.2.15-compact/pcmcia/pcmcia_core.o: unresolved symbol pcibios_write_config_dword
May 27 00:02:49 (none) user.notice _config_word
May 27 00:02:49 (none) user.err dbootstrap[28]: An error encountered while trying to load and configure the PCMCIA modules.

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