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Re: Let's CENSOR it! (was: Uploaded anarchism 7.5-1 (source all) to master)

Who the hell said anything about censoring? 

If I said "we shouldnt allow any anarchism FAQ into the archive" then that
would be censorship. But that's not what im saying. If we allow anarchism,
why stop there? Lets find every free document in the world and package it,
yeah there is a great idea. not. 

Anarshism has no relevancy to anything about itself. The bible as you
mentioned actually has a reference program with it. The fortunes-off package 
is also something that is relavant since it is part of furtunes.

I dont know where in the hell you got the idea I was against anarchism, quit
being so damn sensitive. I think its a great idea but that has nothing to do
with this. We really need a new section or archive for crap like this.
Continuing to bloat the distribution like this is not a good idea.

Stephen Crowley
Debian GNU/Linux - http://www.debian.org

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