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RFC: Common window manager key sequences

I received a bug report about FVWM which suggested that we consider
implementing the common key sequence proposal posted to
comp.os.linux.announce a couple of months ago.  (Message included
below.)  I asked the authors what became of it, and their answer was:
essentially nothing, but maybe Debian wants to consider a coherent
system.  I am personally not particularly interested in implementing
such a system for two reasons, one major and one minor: the major one
is that people tend to stick to their favourite WM, so consistency is
hardly an issue, and the minor one is that people's keyboards probably
differ sufficiently, making this a sufficiently personal issue, that
the standardisation effort is not really likely.

But if anyone really disagrees with me and convinces me that it's
worth doing, then let's work on it.



  Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, QMW, Univ. of London. J.D.Gilbey@qmw.ac.uk
             Debian GNU/Linux Developer.  jdg@debian.org
       -*- Finger jdg@master.debian.org for my PGP public key. -*-

(1) The proposal (with minor grammatical corrections)

Message-ID: <pycola.916777087.12092@revelation.bak.helsinki.fi>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 20:18:06 GMT
From: "Guylhem AZNAR" <guylhemaznar@compuserve.com>
Subject: GNU Window manager shortcut standard proposition
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce

Please mail any question to : windowman@sorted.org, gnustep-dev@gnu.org,
gnome-hackers@nuclecu.unam.mx : I'm posting from compuserve where I never
read my mail...

    GNU window manager standard shortcut proposition version 1.6 final

     Copyright (c) 1998, by Guylhem Aznar <guylhem @ oeil.qc.ca> : GPL
     Copyright (c) 1998, Alfredo Kojima <kojima @ windowmaker.org>
     Copyright (c) 1998, Maciej Stachowiak <mstachow @ mit.edu>

  0- Ideas

After the previous discussions, we agreed on :

 * we should use a standard set of shortcuts by default, for any window
 * however if some concepts or possibilities don't exist for some
   window manager, its maintainer can freely choose between:
     - adapting these recommandations to best follow his window
       manager's own philosophy
     - ignoring impossible shortcuts
 * of course, this stardard set could be hand replaced by users if they
   prefer others shortcuts, although this goes against the goal of the
   proposal itself...
 * this set of shortcuts musn't conflict with any already exiting
   program, or at least try to reach that goal
 * this set of shortcuts should be easy to use and easy to remember
 * to fulfill these two statements, we should use 2 key shortcuts or
   very rarely used level 1 keys
 * letters could be preferred in shortcuts since they are easy to
   remember, provided that they will not conflict with applications
   shortcuts, and some easier and more standard shortcut doesn't
   already exist (like modifier+tab moves to next window or
   modifier+number or modifier+Fn moves to next desk)
 * using the windows key is an option enabled by default
 * we shouldn't use level 3 sequences, too hard to remember, unless
   the standard modifier is not available on some special or
   nonstandard keyboard
 * we shouldn't alter right Alt key on american keyboards
 * we shouldn't restrict users to one modifier key
 * we shouldn't stardardize Copy/Paste but let that to applications
 * Hyper or Super modifier which are free could be used

Definitions :

 * "Level 1": needs only one key, eg: Pause
 * "Level 2": needs two keys, eg: Alt+Tab
 * "Level 3": needs three keys, eg: Ctrl+Alt+Del

Level 2 "Modifier" key :

This key should be easily accessible on most keyboards, very rarely
used, and replacable by another modifier key (which is noted "==") if
some unknown program already uses it.

Modifier could be Shift+Alt_L == Hyper == windows keys

Modifier key could be "demapped" with a sequence which would disable
any other level 1 or level 2 sequences until it is pressed again, for
example Modifier + Scroll lock could disable any other sequence until
Modifier + Scroll lock is pressed again.

Therefore if shortcuts cause a problem, any user could disable them
with modifier + Scroll lock or prefer level 3 shortcuts.


The following PC keys are very rarely used (no application I know uses
them), and should be used by the window manager for useful actions:

 * Scroll lock: remapped to Break: lock focus to focused window
 * Pause : start some kind of pause screen (or screen saver if it
   isn't available)
 * Print: "stick" focused window to current screen, or "tab to next


Modifier key or any equivalent ("==") key must be pressed at the same time:

 * Esc: open menu for focused window
 * Tab: move to previous window in the same workspace or page, in a
   most recently used window order (like icewm or kwm)

PC keys :

* Print: iconify current window
* Scroll lock: remapped to Break: demap any other modifier sequence
* Pause: should be used to start a locked pause screen (or a locked
  screen saver if it doesn't exist)

Arrow keys :

If the window manager support paging:

 * Left: move to left page in current workspace
 * Right: move to right page in current workspace
 * Up: move to upper page in current workspace
 * Down: move to down page in current workspace


 * Left: move to previous workspace
 * Right: move to next workspace
 * Up: raise focused window
 * Down: lower focused window

Edit keys:

 * Home: move back to first page of first workspace
 * End  move to first page of last workspace
 * Page up: move to next workspace
 * Page down: move to previous workspace
 * Insert: raise window
 * Delete: lower window

Fn :

 * F1: move to first workspace/desktop
 * F12: move to 12th workspace/desktop

 * t: toggle sticky flag (t=?)
 * w: close window (w=?)
 * i: iconify window
 * b: maximize (bigger)
 * r: shade/unshade (roll)
 * h: hide/unhide
 * l: window list


I tried to respect any wishes submitted, and I think the following
proposition is a mix up of what we all proposed.

Please tell me if I forgot something or if you do not agree on something,
this is in no way final, it is only the second proposition.

Nobody will *have* to follow this standard, it just a set of rules we're
trying to agree on.

When we will agree, I guess each one will do his best to follow this
standard AND his wm own philosphy, but only impossible shortcuts
should be ignored.

Revelant shortcuts [actions which the window manager support] should be
mapped to standard sequence, i.e.: if you can't do something in your
window manager, don't use the shortcut; else, use it according to the
standard, and your conscience if two choices are possible


Here's an xmodmap file if you feel like trying these bindings : save the
following in a file, then run xmodmap this-file to test key bindings.

- Alt_R is differs between european and american keyboards
- Windows keys are mapped to "Hyper" modifier and Menu
- PC keys are intact, except Scroll_lock which is mapped to break for wm use
- Shift + Numlock can move the pointer (I don't use a mouse !!!)


! * Alt_L

keycode  64 = Alt_L

! * Alt_L + Hyper (shifted state)
! keycode  64 = Alt_L Hyper_R

! * Alt_R european style + Hyper (shifted state)
keycode 113 = Mode_switch Hyper_R

! * Alt_R american style + Hyper (shifted state)
! keycode 113 = Alt_R Hyper_R

! * Windows keys

keycode 115 = Hyper_L
keycode 116 = Hyper_R
keycode 117 = Menu

! * PC keys

! keycode  78 = Scroll_Lock
keycode  78 = Break
keycode 110 = Pause
keycode 111 = Print

! Num lock

keycode  77 = Num_Lock Pointer_EnableKeys


(2) Email conversation

Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 13:56:15 +0200
From: Guylhem Aznar <ciguylhem@barberouge.linux.lmm.com>
To: Julian Gilbey <J.D.Gilbey@qmw.ac.uk>
Subject: Re: [WINDOWMAN] GNU window manager shortcut proposition

On Mon, Mar 22, 1999 at 02:05:25AM +0000, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> Is there some standard location/package in which this proposal will be
> found?

It had been discussed in this list, but apparently it helped nothing,
because of the lack of interest of major distributions and
intercompatibility problems (some people would prefer windows-like
shortcut, some other would prefer new shortcuts to avoid breaking
current programs)
The shortcut proposition didn't follow plain windows-like shortcuts but
preferred keeping compatibility with, for example, emacs.

>    Julian
>    (Debian FVWM maintainer)

Maybe should you ask on debian lists whether all the window managers
included with Debian should support a standard set of shortcuts.

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