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Re: [Debconf-team] [Fwd: Re: [Urgent] Has problem to process visa application in Taiwan]

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 09:27:35PM +0800, Andrew Lee wrote:

> I am in trouble to process the visa application for Spain. Anto from
> visa@debconf.org cannot send more personal invitaion as he already
> invited someone. Do you know anyone is Spain can help me to process the
> invitation?
> And my flight is on next Friday, and cause it's a cheap ticket, I cannot
> cancel or change the date.

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	Re: [Urgent] Has problem to process visa application in Taiwan
> Date: 	Fri, 10 Jul 2009 13:59:04 +0200
> From: 	Anto Recio <anto@debian-community.org>
> i tried  to call all  this mornig(in spain) but i  can not speack whit 
> the embassy  of spain in China,  i cant send more personal invitation 
> because I have invited other people and I can not invite more  foreign

I'll try to add from my (limited, but greather than zero) experience of
visas and of Taiwan.

Anto, the embassy of Spain in China won't help you for Taiwan. China is
not Taiwan. Taiwan's official name is "Republic of China", China's
official name is "People Republic of China".

For Taiwan you need to contact something called "Spanish Chamber of
Commerce in Taiwan". Andrew gave you the numbers. You need to call them
during their opening times, and according to time zones.

Their opening time is Monday to Friday 9:30 to 12:00 UTC+8: this means
from 03:30am to 06:00am in Spain, as Spain is now UTC+2. This is
probably a reason why, even if you called the right number, you didn't
find them. Note that today is Friday, so you won't find them anymore
until late sunday night in Spain.

Here are the phone numbers again:

   Phone: +886 2-25184901
   Fax: +886 2-25184904

If you want to phone the Taiwanese embassy in Spain, it's the "Taipei
Economic and Cultural Office in Madrid": http://www.roc-taiwan.org/mp.asp?mp=137
just in case there is something you would like to ask them.

Is it possible to see a copy of the letter you sent? Just to see if
there is a way to make it look more official. Signatures are needed, and
you want to use some formal looking letterhead, and maybe give a phone
number for them to call back to check.

Invitation letters from other people are fine. You can probably phone
the Ministerio de Asuntos Extranjeros in Spain to ask for help, and for
all details you need to provide to invite Andrew.

Here is a summary of all of Andrew's details that I could gather from
the mail:

Name: LEE, CHIEN-CHIU (in characters: 李健秋)
Note: Andrew is a given English name used to make communication easier
      in English. Most Taiwanese people have one, but I don't think it
      is official.

Passport is already in the visa granting office. 

  1F., No.50, Ln. 385, Jingping Rd.
  Zhonghe City, Taipei County 235
  Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Andrew needs some hotel booking records, to prove that he has where to
stay. Please get in touch with the Ministerio de Asuntos Extranjeros in
Spain to ask what should be provided, in case the place where we're
going to stay is not officially a hotel.

In terms of the invitation, I don't know if you can invite Andrew as
Debconf and how. Again, the Ministerio de Asuntos Extranjeros should be
able to help you.

Andrew already has the flight tickets, so that bit is sorted, he can
show them to the embassy.

From what I understood, the application is on hold. The Spanish Chamber
of Commerce in Taiwan has Andrew's passport and is waiting for extra
info. What is suggest is that you go through this checklist, double
checking with the Ministerio for what exactly is needed, then fax. Then,
back from the club on sunday night, someone gives them a phone call to
ask if everthing is allright.

The checklist, from Andrew's mail:

   So, my visa application has been hold until I provide these
   1. original formal invitation card/letter with your signature
   2. a copy of you passport (make sure the signature as same as the
   3. your title and contact information on the invitation letter
   4. hotel booking records
   It would be great if you can directly fax these information to them by
   +886 2-25184904 and state that's for Andrew Lee (李健秋)'s visa
   application. And confirm with them in Spanish by +886 2-25184901 after
   the fax.

> please write to someone in Spain to requsest your invitation letter
> no puedo invitar a más gente, voy a tener problemas con Extranjería,
> lo siento pero no puedo hacer más de lo que he hecho con este chico
> :(
> asko de policia, de leyes d extranjería y su puta madre

Si, son la mierda. Pero hay poco tiempo ahora y no lo gastamo a
putearlos. Los putearemos quando todo se habrà solucionado.



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