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Re: [Debconf-team] results from the cfp from the content team


On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 10:41 PM, Ana Guerrero Lopez <ana@debian.org> wrote:
> The content team is probably the team whose work is more independant from the
> venue itself, so maybe we should prioritize here 'global people' over 'local
> team' and keep only 2 people out of 10 from the 'local team'. Last year, there
> wasn't any local in the talks team and it worked fine,

Since the Content team activities are broader than the Talks team's
were last for the past years, I do expect that it will benefit from
having local liasons every year.

> I would like to ask marga, mbanck, maxy and
> madduck to discuss between them the responsabilities every of them have already
> and choose the two people will stay in the content team.

Given the current responsibilities that we already had, we agreed that
Michael and Maxy would be the ones to stay in the team.

There are a bunch of local events that we are hoping to organize
related to DebConf and we do expect the DC15 team to have quite some
interaction with Content team even from people that are non-members, I
hope that is not a problem.


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