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Re: [Debconf-team] DebConf- Aigars Mahinovs - Invoice

Dear Aigars,

we'll make around $40,000 loss this year.
We can easily provide you with another written confirmation of cancellation in case the email below will not do.

Get well and hope to see you in Montreal 2017!

Kind regards,

Am 23.06.2016 um 20:02 schrieb Aigars Mahinovs:
By all means, please concentrate on running the conference now. This can be handled later, when the end figures on the funding are clear. In the past conferences there was often a surplus of funds left over at the end. Some years the organizers actually communicated attendee figures to caterers day by day so as not to cook extra unneeded food and the costs shifted with that.

One alternative avenue to try would be to provide me with a cancellation invoice that states how much I paid, with which card, that the attendance was cancelled and how much money was returned to me (in this case - 0) and I could try to get that back from the credit card travel insurance policy. But that also can wait until after the end of the conference itself.

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 5:25 PM Daniel Lange <dl.ml1@usrlocal.de> wrote:
Dear Aigars,

sorry to hear that you fell sick. We hope that you'll get well quickly!

We can't refund the payment unfortunately as we have paid the cost to the venue, caterers etc. already and can't get refunded that shortly before the conference anymore either.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Kind regards,
for the DebCamp orga team

Am 22.06.2016 um 14:29 schrieb Aigars Mahinovs:
I am very sad to inform you guys that due to a severe last minute sinus infection I was advised by my doctor to cancel my flight to Cape Town and this means that I will fully miss Debconf 16 after all. :(

This has three main implications:
1) please cancel my planned talk
2) you will need to organise an alternate responsible for taking the group photo. I can help remotely by providing some instructions and editing the final result together.
3) I would much appreciate if it would be possible to reverse my credit card payment for the Debconf/Debcamp fees on the invoice attached below

On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 9:43 AM Imelda Amony <imelda.amony@uct.ac.za> wrote:

Dear Aigars,


I trust my mail finds you well


Please find attached your invoice regarding how to make your payment


You can make use of the link below to pay.


Thank you so much

Kind regards,




Imelda Amony



Bremner Building | Level One Room 147 

Lower Campus Rondebosch 7700


Email: Imelda.amony@uct.ac.za

Telephone: +27 (021) 650 1548

Fax: +27 (021) 650 1926



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