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Re: Getting 320x200 in X, Installing Gnome with apt-get

On Fri, 20 Aug 2004, Veli-Pekka Tatila wrote:
 > What's the equivalent for getting Gnome 2.4 or later up and running like
 > that if any? I'd like to try out Gnopernicus at some point, too.
probably apt-get install gnome will do the trick.
However, AFAIK gnome 2.4 is probably only part of either testing certainly

 > You might have noticed a change in my attitude. I was thinking not to
 > install X at all and keep some kind of a minimalist system but it turned out
 > I have a lot more disk space than I thought, as i wiped out my Win 9X before
 > the installation.
welcome to the world of free-software and stability :)

 > If it is lowRes enough, it will scroll the screen and track the mouse as not
 > everything fits on the screen. This is exactly what I'm aiming at, being
 > able to use KDE magnified like this, and later on also Gnome with
 > Gnopernicus.
yes it will.
However, you might be interested in xzoom too.

 > Now, I've been trying to hack the lowRes stuff by modifying the screen
 > section in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
 > My default color depth is 16 bit and i've appended some lower resolutions
 > here:
mindyou, debconf will overwrite your modified config with the enxt

 > SubSection "Display"
 >                 Depth           16
 >                 Modes           "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480" "320x200"
 >         EndSubSection
look correct.

 > When trying to switch resolutions in X with ctrl+alt numpad plus or minus it
 > does switch between a few but it seems the lowest it takes is something like
 > 640x480. It scrolls slightly in the lowest resolution but not much really.
did you restart you X-server after modifying the config?

 > There's also a passage liek this near the end:
 > Section "DRI"
 >         Mode    0666
 > EndSection
 > Does the DRI section specify some kind of a default resolution I should be
 > changing? Actually, I would not mind if the only resolution in X was 320x200
 > as not many sighted people will be using that LInux machine anyway.
you could reconfigure X with only the low resolution.

 > Also, what does it mean when it says in the beginning comments that I should
 > not modify the lines in the DEBCONF section? Do I have to specify that I'll
 > manage this config file myself, or what might be the reason why it's not
 > taking into account my lower resolutions?
no, that it will overwrite by update/upgrade of the package.

 > Another unlikely explanation that came to mind is that the Rage driver
 > somehow limits the possible resolutions you can have. I suppose vesa would
 > be a safe bet.
 > Any help greatly appreciated.

Andor Demarteau                 E-mail: ademarte@cs.uu.nl
student computer science        www: http://www.students.cs.uu.nl/~ademarte/
UU based & VU guest-student     jabber,icq,msn: do ask ;)
chairman Stichting Studiereizen STORM www: http://www.stistusto.nl
vice-chairman USF Studentenbelangen executive committee 2002-2003

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