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Re: getting espeakup working with LVM encryption on boot using cryptsetup

>>>>> "Nick" == Nick Gawronski <nick@nickgawronski.com> writes:

    Nick> Hi, I used the option during the debian installation to do
    Nick> full encryption and the encryption unlocking is done I think
    Nick> in the initial ramdisk image and the speakup_soft module does
    Nick> exist in there but I do not get any speech prompting me for
    Nick> the pass phrase and so have to guess as to when exactly to
    Nick> enter it

I think the big issue here is that you do not want any processes
lingering from the initrd to the main system.
speakup_soft calls out to espeakup; speakup_soft is in the kernel, and
espeakup is a user land process.

And the issue is that you would need to kill off the espeakup from the
initrd and let it restart from the rootfs.
If you are a developer, you probably could create an initramfs hook to
do that, and submit a patch to the espeakup package.
You would also need to mess with setting sound volume etc in the
All that is possible, it just takes a fair bit of fiddly work.

I've never been particularly bothered by needing to wait/guess when to
type the password, so I'm not particularly motivated to do the work.
I would kind of like to have speech access on the console when things go
wrong at initramfs time, but again, that has never risen to be a high
enough priority that it was worth the time investment.

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