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Re: MILO status

On Tue, Jul 21, 1998 at 06:44:48AM -0400, Derrick J Brashear wrote:
> The binary MILO image for the avanti is missing whatever TGA changes
> made it into milo-avanti-980606; I get the infamous green-screen when
> I try it. When I try milo-avanti-980606, I get Fatal error: not enough memory
> from milo. I'd love to know what the TGA changes that went into milo-avanti-980606
> were, since it doesn't have the goofy cursor problem, and aside from that
> I already have a milo that works, sans green-screen.

The released MILO sources do not support 24-plain TGA cards, and neither does
my `avanti.free' image from genie.ucd.ie.  Look into the Avanti directory on
genie for a newer MILO image which supposedly has the new TGA support.  The
TGA related changes are in milo-tga.diff, if you are interested.

If the "not enough memory" error still persists, can you connect a terminal to
the first serial port (COM1/ttyS0) on 9600/8/N, capture the output and send it
to me?


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