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Re: Good news: the latest ATI-driver + Xorg7 + 3d-accel works on 64-bit !!!

Hans wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 30. Mai 2006 10:16 schrieb Andrew Ingram:
>> On Saturday 27 May 2006 4:08 pm, Hans-J. Ullrich wrote:
>>> Am Samstag, 27. Mai 2006 13:59 schrieb Sylvain Archenault:
>>>> I managed to install it, it seems to work. But I had some problems.
>>>> For example, mplayer 64 bit crashed while playing some videos (mplayer
>>>> 32bits works fine). But when installing the package, it installed the
>>>> lib in /emul/. So maybe it's the problem cause. So I returned to xorg
>>>> driver.
>>>> By the way, glxgears and glxinfo give me this errors :
>>>> Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual
>>>> Any idea ?
>>> Same to me.
>>> And I do not  know yet. I must do some tests, as all paths must be
>>> checked. I still think, the driver is still al little buggy.
>> I have the same problem too. Checking my xorg log, it looks like it cannot
>> open DRI for the screen, although the dri module has been initialised just
>> fine.
>> Regards,
>> Andrew
> try this, what I did:
> I built the packages as normal. (ati.........run --buildpkg Debian/sid)
> Then I used the midgnight commander to look into the packags and copied all 
> the files manaully into the right position (fglrx-driver).
> Then I built the kernel-module with make-kpkg and installed ist manually on 
> the same way.
> To test it, I moved /etc/init.d/kdm out of the way, to avoid its start at 
> reboot.
> O.k., so far so good. Now I oaded the fglrx kernel-module with modconf.
> It loaded fine.
> After this I stopped kdm and from the consol I started X using startx. So I 
> could see errors, but everything went fine.
> After this, I copied kdm back, and installed the packages fglrx-driver and the 
> built kernel-module ith dpkg -i, to let them known in the database.
> Yes, it is a dirty way, but also this is a dirty driver !
> I hope, this helps. And do not laugh: This worked for me.
> You can check it with fglrxinfo in X.
> fgl_glgears will not work. glxgears does work, but you will get no
> results shown.

Same for me, but does mplayer work for you ?

> Good luck !
> Hans

Sylvain Archenault

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