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Re: Need to remove and add virtualhosts to start apache

On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 09:19:53AM -0500, Adam Rosi-Kessel wrote:
> rm@fabula.de wrote:
> >A quick shot into the dark: could this be DNS related? I think you never 
> >told
> >us what sort of virtual hosting you do. Iff you have enough virtual hosts 
> >whose domain name doesn't resolve _and_ your server is set up in a way that
> >requires DNS lookups _and_ you have a lot of virtual hosts the startup
> >process might timeout.
> >Hmm, doesn't sound too likely ...
> That's an interesting suggestion.  Maybe once it has started up once, the 
> DNS lookups for the existing hosts are cached and it's able to get the 
> other ones in time.
> A couple of questions, though.  I have UseCanonicalNames Off--is there 
> something else that would cause apache to do DNS lookups on VirtualHosts?  
> HostnameLookups is on, but that only relates to lookups of inbound hits, 
> right?
> Also, does it make any sense that this would actually cause a segfault (see 
> my backtrace in other message)?  I wouldn't expect a timeout should lead to 
> that result.

Non, sorry, didn't study your backtrace :-/ 
Hmm, looking at your backtrace: you seem to have both php and ssl enabled? Since
i (vaguely) recall problems with this setup - is it possible to reproduce the
segfault with one or both of these modules disabled?

 HTH Ralf Mattes
> -- 
> Adam Rosi-Kessel
> http://adam.rosi-kessel.org
> -- 
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