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Re: HP mv2120 support in Orion tree

* Marc Singer <elf@buici.com> [2008-06-10 12:00]:
> > My answers are inline below (but maybe we should move this discussion
> > to debian-arm for all to see?):
> Good plan.

Just to provide some background: we're discussing some things that are
needed to add Debian support to HP's mv2120 NAS device.

As far as I can see, the following items are needed to add support:we need to find solutions for the following

 - make a mv2120 patch for 2.6.26, i.e. backport the patch from
   Marvell's git tree to plain 2.6.26.  I asked Sylver Bruneau
   whether he can help with this.

 - figure out how the rescue mode works and how to construct a rescue
   image that the device can boot: it seems Eugene San has figured out
   most or all of this already.

 - write a server for Linux that can serve these rescue images: I
   think Marc Singer was looking into this (?).

 - figure out the best way to make one image that contains the kernel and
   ramdisk: Marc had some ideas about this.

 - add a check to partman that ensures that sda1 is an ext2/ext3 partition
   that is mounted on either /boot or /.  This one is easy.

Martin Michlmayr

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