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Re: Blends naming in the Debian installer

Charles Plessy <plessy@debian.org> writes:
> Le Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 06:17:26PM +0800, Paul Wise a écrit :
>> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 4:56 PM, Ole Streicher wrote:
>> > 1) no understanding of what a "Debian Pure Blend" is
>> > 2) Also "Debian Astro", "Debian Junior" are not understandable easily.
>> >
>> > --> we should have better menu names here, which help a person who is
>> > new to Debian to understand what is going on here.
>> Agreed, the codenames we use for our projects shouldn't be exposed to
>> first time users, instead we should use terms used by the targets of
>> each blend to describe themselves and their peers.
> Hi Ole, Paul and everybody,
> in the case of Debian Med, I think that it is hard to avoid the codename.  We
> are covering different user roles (patients, medical doctors, research
> scientist, etc.), different professions (practitionner, software developer,
> system administrator, ...), or different fields (medecine, bioinformatics,
> neuroscience, microbiology, etc.).  Therefore, we need to make ourselves known
> as "Debian Med".  We should aim that people download a Debian installer with
> the goal of installing Debian Med, and help them to find us by that name.

IMO we will only have chances to survive in the installer if we do not
confuse the majority of people who do *not* install any blend. 

The forum message I cited shows that actually people get confused and
feel unsure what to do. This is also the case for a "Debian Med" entry,
as it is for "Debian Astro". So, maybe, an explanation *together* with
each blend name would do the trick?

Best regards


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