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Re: Install from DOS HD

Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> cma2000@earthlink.net writes:
> > I think followed the documentation for installing from a DOS/Win95 HD.
> > I downloaded the files loadlin.exe, root.bin, linux, drivers.tgz and
> > base2_2.tgz and put them in their own directory on my DOS HD.  I then
> > rebooted to DOS (no GUI or windows drivers) I CD'd to the directory with
> > the Debian files and executed the line 'loadlin linux root=/dev/ram
> > initrd=root.bin' just like the install.bat file but without the paths.
> > The install seemed to go smoothly, I had to mount the DOS HD in order
> > for the installer to find the .tgz files (which didn't feel right as I
> > was doing it but couldn't find any other way)
> No, that's right -- the 'harddist' or 'mounted' options here...
> > The installer completed and said it was time to reboot into Linux.
> > The boot into Linux went OK until the dpkg-reconfigure part of the
> > script.  Thats when I get the message about id 1 respawning too
> > fast: disabled for 5 minutes.  The second time I tried it I pressed
> > alt-f2 to get to tty2 I was able to log in but a 'find' was unable
> > to find dpkg-reconfigure. I cd'd and ls'd until I found a file
> > called dpkg-rec an 'ls -l' in the directory showed all of the files
> > names to be only 8 characters long.  Also LILO didn't make an entry
> > for my DOS drive I could only halfway boot into Linux.
> Um, the disk you were installing *to* isn't a FAT partition is it?
> I mean, why would lilo need an entry for your DOS drive?  The DOS
> drive should just be where base2_2.tgz (and mabye rescue.bin and
> drivers.tgz) is installed *from*.  You need to install *to* an ext2
> partition.

The target disk is ext2, I had a Mandrake install on it but didn't like
all of the junk and weird configuration defaults it gave me, that's why
I want to try Debian, plus I like the concept of the whole GPL thing.  I
just meant that LILO didn't give me the choice to boot back into DOS the
only choice was Linux.  Since I couldn't get all the way into Linux I
had to boot from a DOS floppy and do the 'fdisk /mbr' thing.  hda is the
DOS drive and hdb is the ext2 drive.  The DOS drive is FAT32.  Under
Mandrake I would lose my long file names transfering files between DOS
and Linux.  When I got back into DOS some (not all) of the Linux
directory's had been unarchived from the .tgz onto the C: drive, which
seemed odd.  If I can get these files onto a CD will this problem go
away?  I was hoping I could just do a quick install from the DOS drive
and then be on my way.
Thanks again, again.  Chris

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