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Re: 11.8 planning

On Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 06:15:30PM +0100, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> The traditional cadence for oldstable point releases is four months,
> rather than two. That technically means that 11.8 would be due
> somewhere in late August to mid-September. So we could either punt 11.8
> so it aligns with 12.2 rather than 12.1, or do 11.8 together with 12.1
> and then align 11.9 with 12.3.
> I think I'd prefer the latter option, i.e. we do 11.8+12.1 in July,
> 12.2 probably September, then 11.9+12.3 Novemberish.

Yes, I had forgotten about the transition to oldstable candece. I was going
to suggest, though, that 11.8 gets pushed back to cadence with 12.2 and we
just do 12.1 on its own first. How does that sound?

Jonathan Wiltshire                                      jmw@debian.org
Debian Developer                         http://people.debian.org/~jmw

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