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Re: quality of the cd images we are offering

On Wed, 14 Mar 2001, Santiago Garcia Mantinan wrote:

> One of the thing I'm concerned about is the 2.2r3 images having to be done
> in a while and the scripts not being ready.

AFAIK the scripts work perfectly fine for potato, so there's no urgent

> pule:/cdrom# find . -name Packages -exec grep '^Package: ' {} \;|wc -l
>     984

Make that  grep '^Filename: ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2- | sort > packdebs

> pule:/cdrom# find . -type f -name '*.deb'|wc -l
>     990

and  find... | sort > realdebs

then check the diff. That might give a clue about the cause of non-inclusion. 
Note that dpkg-scanpackages will not include two .debs with the same package
name, this might be the case here. 

  Anne Bezemer

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