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Call to GCE metadata/compute in nocloud buster image


I'm running several Debian Buster GenericCloud images. (Exact image: https://cloud.debian.org/images/cloud/bullseye/20221108-1193/debian-11-genericcloud-amd64-20221108-1193.qcow2)

The images run on libvirt "on-premise", i.e. not in a cloud environment.
The setup is such, that all outbound traffic goes through a Squid Proxy.

Now, I see calls to http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/machine-type in the Squid logs originating from the VMs.

Can this be related to the underlying genericcloud image? So far, I was unable to find anything with "computeMetadata" in the systemlogs of the VMs.
I checked the boot log (including cloud-init process) using virsh console <vm> but also found no hint to computeMetadata

I then tried to find the correct repository building those images to see if and how GCE might be configured in those images
and ended up here: https://salsa.debian.org/cloud-team/debian-cloud-images.git
... but I'm not really sure if that's the right place and my knowledge is pretty limited when it comes to building cloud images.

I'd like help with investigating this. Pointers, hints, anything that helps me narrowing that down.


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