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Re: Lifting the moratorium

Hi Helmut (2023.08.25_11:40:33_+0000)
> You see that this goes into very much detail and having the CTTE decide
> upon the precise way of lifting this seems suboptimal. That would amount
> to micro-managing the transition. In effect, the most sensible way I see
> forward is trusting our developers to the right things by formally
> lifting the moratorium entirely and still asking them to be careful
> about what they do. Then we could have a living document (not authored
> by CTTE) describing what careful means precisely. With dumat being in
> operation as a detection mechanism (though not yet performing
> unsupervised RC bug filings), we've got the means to see what goes wrong
> at least.

Yeah, that sounds reasonable to me. It's obvious that we have to lift
the moratorium at some point soon, and it doesn't really make sense for
us to have to vote on each stage of lifting it.

With you actively working on pushing /usr-merge forward, you're in a
position to coordinate some of the next steps (to the degree that
maintainers follow your advice). We are in a very different position now
(with dumat in place and a concrete plan) than we were in when the
moratorium was first imposed.

But I'm interested to see if there are other approaches suggested.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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