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Re: Rant about stupid bug reporters who can't be bothered to check for identical bugs before reporting their "new" one (Re: Bug#55602: gnu-standards: version 2.13-17 still has package overlap)

>>>>> "Nicolás" == Nicolás Lichtmaier <nick@debian.org> writes:

    >> <RANT> *Always* check for duplicate bugs before submitting a
    >> new bug report.  I am copying this email to debian-devel in
    >> hopes that it will stem the flood.  </RANT>

Personally, I always check for existing bugs in the hope of
getting out of filing a bug report myself ;-)

However, this has the side effect that the maintainer has no idea how
many people have encountered a bug or how urgent it is to fix the
problem. Perhaps if the bug tracking system had an option for adding
other people who are interested in a bug, this wouldn't be a
problem. However, I seem to remember there are long standing wish list
requests for this feature.

    Nicolás>  This is wrong. We should encourage bugs from any
    Nicolás> user. Lots of reports. If you impose some strange policy,
    Nicolás> an user with a problem won't report the bug.  Reporting a
    Nicolás> bug must be an easy, trivial task.  What we should do is
    Nicolás> to improve the bug system in order to make it easier for
    Nicolás> the maintainer to merge the reports.

I agree with this.

Not sure how you could make it any easier though.

One way might be to have a (web?) interface that lets you select
individual bugs from a list, merge all these bugs, change the topic,
and/or reassign to another package. I am not sure about the security
and/or SPAM implications though.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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