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Re: To the bind maintainer

* Steve Greenland said:
> On 21-Jan-00, 21:32 (CST), Bdale Garbee <bdale@gag.com> wrote: 
> > For every person who really wants a question in the postinst to choose an 
> > option like this, there exists a person for whom interactivity in the postinst
> > is intensely frustrating.  
> That would be me. :-)
> Actually, I'm kinda confused about all this talk about running BIND on
> personal machines (notebooks?) and by newbies. Why on earth would you
> run BIND on a notebook[1]? Why on earth would a (relatively) new Linux
Caching nameserver with fast forwarder. Caching locally all the lookups you
make is sometimes quite desirable on dial-up connections.

> user have BIND installed? (Actually, now that I think about it, why is
> there a "task-name-server" package?)
For the newbies.
> This is going to sound condescending, but if you aren't capable of
> reading a few man pages and modifying a few config files, then you
> aren't capable of maintaining a name server.
Come on, there was NO problem in this thread about NOT understanding the
manpages, just about the DEFAULTS when the bind is installed.
> [1] Assuming you're using it *as* a notebook, not a notebook sitting
> in one spot full-time, just because you had it laying around when
> you needed a new nameserver box. But in that case it wouldn't have
> interfaces going up and down all the time, would it?
Why not? A friend of mine is using a notebook machine, 'coz he travells a
lot. At home it sits in the dock and dials up every hour or so to fetch his
mails, the machine is up all the time. There.


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