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Re: Less interactive upgrades.

Previously Tom Rothamel wrote:
> The problem I have is that dpkg keeps on prompting me as to the
> disposition of config files I have changed. Don't get me wrong, I like
> the fact that it asks me what to do... I just wish it would do it at
> the start, and proceed cleanly through the upgrade without further
> prompting. 

dpkg can't do that anyway if you use apt since apt does multiple dpkg

> - When apt runs to upgrade packages, it will call a new program (which
>   I plan to write) in the same way that it calls
>   dpkg-preconfigure. TNP would scan the list of upgraded packages,
>   looking for config files. (This scan could go rather fast, as it
>   only looks at config files, rather than having to unpack the
>   whole thing.) Where it finds changed config files (using the same
>   rules as dpkg) it will add them to a list. 

It's rather slow, since you need to unpack the .deb to get the md5sums
for its conffiles, read /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list to see if a conffiles
still belongs to a package, /var/lib/dpkg/status to get the previous
md5sums, etc. Oh, and you're not really allowed to use things in
/var/lib/dpkg/ directly anyway since the format might change. (Warning
in advance: it will likely change this year).

Oh, and you still loose if people don't use apt.

> - Once the file is being appropriately created, dpkg will be modified
>   to optionally take as an argument to an option the name of the well
>   known file.

Okay, just to warn you: a) I'm really anal about patches I accept for
dpkg. b) I'm not sure I like this approach. c) I'm really anal about
accepting patches.

> This, along with debconf and a program like debecho (which doesn't
> exist, but if it did would allow logging of informational messages to
> a file) would allow for unattended installations and upgrades, after
> the initial Q&A session. I think that would be a real good thing to
> have, especially if we don't lose flexability when it happens.

There is already a patch to make dpkg log things using syslog. At some
point I'ld like to generalize that, but we can't do that until debconf
is used everywhere. Woody+2 I think.

> I'd also like to know if there's a preferred textui toolkit for use
> during installs/upgrades, or if I should just roll my own. 


> I've decided to work on this rather than bettering ddiff integration
> because this is something that can work stand-alone to better the user
> experience, while ddiff will require new or different archives to
> achive maximum usefulness. (Ie, the diffs have to be stored
> somewhere.)

Right, which is why it's on the TODO-list for dpkg. I hope to have this
done in woody.

> Lastly, is there a more appropriate list than debian-devel for
> announcing projects like this?

debian-dpkg and debian-admintool.


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