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Re: preserving window manager selection on upgrades.

>>>>> "Josip" == Josip Rodin <joy@cibalia.gkvk.hr> writes:

    Daniel> Will this affect people upgrading directly from slink
    Daniel> (whose window-manager preferences won't yet be stored via
    Daniel> alternatives)?  Or is there stuff in the scripts to try to
    Daniel> preserve settings?

    Ben> I'm pretty sure when I upgraded from slink that my window
    Ben> manager settings were silently ignored and I had to explore
    Ben> for a while to figure out about the new update-alternatives
    Ben> setup. (I could be misremembering, though.)

    Josip> Ouch. We should fix that... Maybe xfree86-common could do
    Josip> something like this in its postinst:

*snip* I like that, it should work fine..

    Ben> Joe Schmoe User is not going to have a chance in hell of
    Ben> figuring out how to use update-alternatives to set their
    Ben> window manager

    Josip> Actually, it's easy to use now, just do
    Josip> `update-alternatives --config x-window-manager'. But of
    Josip> course, you'd first have to know the name of the
    Josip> alternative... so it better be done automatically on
    Josip> upgrade.

This is much easier said than done, agreed. I don't know how users
are going to guess to use update-alternatives at all, much less know
to use the alternative name "x-window-manager".


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