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Re: on de-supporting deb-make

>* I personally intend to cause debmake to become obsolete, so that
>packages using debmake will have to change at some point in the
>future.  The timescale for packages _having_ to change is unclear.
>* In my personal opinion debmake is especially unsuitable for complex
>packages with lots of time and effort invested.
Well, I guess we all have gripes on something...

Debian has problems, in many of its packages... but none of these problems
(that I've come across) have any bearing to debmake.

If someone would go ahead, and make another debmake... it would only be
a repetition of what is going on here now.  Some would be against it, others
would be for.

...and other fields, that need attention would still be unattended.

Ørn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@halmstad.mail.telia.com
                               home+fax; +46 035 217194

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