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Re: Crypto signing of packages

>We have either to live with the situation where anyone who can
>compromise any maintainer's key can get trojan code into our
>distribution, or we have to come up with a way of detecting and
>dealing with maintainer key compromise.
One thing you could do...

Certify a maintainer, and have him send you between-you-two-only key, that
he will use only for uploads.  This key is sent via snail-mail, and signed
by hand.  This should relatively secure that the key in question, is one
only known by Debian and the Maintainer (a must for secure transition).

When a maintainer needs to upload, he sends a request to Debian, stating
the package he wants to upload.  Debian system, then sends back a responce
telling an instance of when the upload can take place, along with a
random keyword... crypted with the Maintainer-Debian only key.  The
maintainer can then upload his package, at time given and with the one-time
only keyword, valid only for that particular package, time and maintainer.

Just my 25øre worth...

Ørn Einar Hansen                         oe.hansen@halmstad.mail.telia.com
                               home+fax; +46 035 217194

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