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Re: debmake: a compromise?

On Tue, 18 Feb 1997, Vincent Renardias wrote:

> 	After reading some comments on debstd, it seems like it's always the 
> same things that make it a 'bad' tool:
> 1/ It doesn't say what it really does.
> 2/ Interface changes often.
> Couldn't we make it accept the option '--no-act' that would only make it 
> print the command it execute, that way, the maintainer debianising a 
> package can select the 'good' commands and include them in debian/rules.
> This way:
> 1/ We know what's happening during packages still the shell commands are 
> executed from debian/rules.
> 2/ Once this is done, the package does not need debstd any more, so any 
> changes to debstd don't matter.
> 	Seems reasonable?

How about taking this a step further and having debstd insert the
commands it uses into the rules file for you so that you can
peruse/tweak them right there?  That would acomplish the same
thing and keep its "automatic" nature in tact.  This would also
break the dependency on debstd within a rules file.

I'll have a look at a recent version of it and see what it would
take to implement this.  If its more than an hour or so, I'll
have to pass :-(


Richard G. Roberto
011-81-3-3437-7967 - Tokyo, Japan

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