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Re: Bug#7448: error in version number for 'tf'

Santiago Vila Doncel writes:
-> On Mon, 17 Feb 1997, Galen Hazelwood wrote:
-> > Unfortunately, there is a bug in pre- versions of dpkg which
-> > cause file corruption and crashes.  So the tf package needs a preinst
-> > which runs "dpkg --assert-working-epoch", which will prevent older
-> > versions of dpkg from attempting to install this package.
-> Would not be much easier for packages using epochs to Pre-Depend on
-> dpkg >=

Unfortunately, that doesn't solve the problem.  The problem occurs
when the Packages file with epochs is downloaded. Packages with epochs
should alrady have a preinst script which checks dpkg
--assert-working-epochs.  If not, there is a maint-only bug for the
package.  The problem is that dpkg must know to upgrade itself before
it gets the new Packages file with epochs. But dpkg doesn't know that.

About the only potential solution to this I've come up with, which
I've neglected mentioning, since it seems stupid to me, is to move the
'real' packages file to a new standard location, and put a packages
file that the old dpkg won't choke on in the old location, then have
dpkg do a pause message in it's postinst telling the user that they
will need to run dselect again to upgrade the rest of the
packages. I think that it would cause far too many things to
break/change/whatever to be practical.


  Larry Daffner        |  Linux: Unleash the workstation in your PC!
  vizzie@airmail.net / http://web2.airmail.net/vizzie/
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