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lprng problem

Ever since our printer was moved to a new machine (from HP-UX to RedHat) I
cannot print anymore from my Debian machine. I get:

 apple: Link_line_read: PROTOCOL ERROR - pending input from 'speedy' aftertransfer
pd: apple: Malformed from address
job 'cfA818feivel.informatik.rwth-aachen.de' transfer to apple@speedy failed
after 1 attempts

Yes, I know the job ID misses the '@' sign. But why?

BTW root can print, but no other user from my machine can.

Any ideas?

Michael Meskes, Projekt-Manager      | meskes@topsystem.de, meskes@debian.org
topsystem Systemhaus GmbH            | Phone: (+49) 2405/4670-44
Europark A2, Adenauerstr. 20         | Fax:   (+49) 2405/4670-10
52146 Wuerselen                      | Go SF 49ers! Use Debian GNU/Linux!

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